Multiple onscreen deaths occur, Most are very gruesome and contain blood.
A man is seen getting shot by offscreen police officers armed with assault rifles, although not gory, it is pretty disturbing to watch.
A woman is seen fighting off someone as they attempt to push her into an oncoming train. She then pulls the stranger with her onto the train and are seen getting hit by the train. The impact is very disturbing.
A woman who has a severe problem which leads to her being in hospital, has her life support disconnected using a hacking system by a Charon client hacker.
A weak girl comes into the camera view that shows a bloody hole in her forehead that was drilled and plugged.
Disturbing violence.
A man uncovers a bunch of videos. One of them shows a man and woman starting to engage in sexual activities. The woman is sitting on top of the man, both are fully clothed, but they are beginning to move rhythmically.