. The movie centers around the disappearance of a boy's brother, and he seeks to find him.
. There's a pretty strong fist fight towards the end of the movie, where the kidnapper punches the main character in the face knocking him to the floor, and proceeds to keep on punching him, and beating him up. He then smashes his face into the floor several times before knocking him out cold.
. A boy has been beat up, and abducted by the killer. He's seen locked up in the killer's bathroom, and hogtied to the floor.
. A boy looks in the killer's hall closet, and there's a tied up dead body stashed inside it. We see it in a few shots in this scene. He opens the closet a few times to see if he's crazy or not, and the body is revealed.
. There's a fight scene in which a boy punches the killer in the face, knocking him to the ground. In return the killer punches the boy back in the face, knocking him to the ground, where he proceeds to beat him up.
. The main character has some anger problems, ending up in him punching walls and doors. He also throws things around in the house in anger.
. The main character is hit in the face with a 10 gallon sierra water jug. He's then beat up, and in return the main character hits the man back in the face with the gallon.
. The main character gets into a pretty strong fight scene in the rain. There's lots of punching, kicking, elbowing, and throwing. This fight scene results in the death of the killer.