A woman sits on a bench and pulls a man's head under her dress between her legs. She moans, implying oral sex. At approx. 2:20 in 5:17 cut.
There are several scenes with full frontal and rear nudity of men and women.
An 11 year old boy undresses fully to get out of wet clothes and pulls back his foreskin some. He and his friend compare penises, one of whom is clearly shown. The other boy's penis is partially obscured by clothing and shadow. They talk about masturbation.
An old man puts a young girl's hand inside his pants. Her reaction is, "No one can milk a bull."
A woman is paid to make love to two men at once. She grabs their penises and masturbates both at the same time, gently stroking them and then puts one man's hand on the other's crotch--all in full-view of the camera.
A woman is lying nude in floor (Full Frontal Nudity shown)
A man throws woman on haystack and he kisses her. She screams as he enters her, being a virgin. He is shown on top of the now nude woman spreading her legs. He is seen thrusting and both moaning and panting at orgasm. Nudity includes his buttocks and back.
A man takes photographs of naked men--shown at a distance.
A woman dances in a see-through negligee with no underwear. Her breasts and pubic hair can be seen multiple times.
A boy's rear is shown as he pulls up his pants, presumably after being sexually abused.
A woman looks up a dead woman's dress and announces that the corpse has no underwear.
A man massages a horse's sphincter with his fingers to get it to produce more manure (which is then thrown at another man).
A woman rips her blouse and shows her breasts.