A woman cracks her head open on the rocky floor and screams with pain as torrents of blood gush forth from her head. The man trying to help her gets her blood all over his hands, and watches helplessly as she dies in his arms.
A man's skinned corpse is shown hanging in midair in a chapel. His eye is shown being pecked out and eaten by a crow. A hole is shown gored through his fleshless form which drips with blood.
This is without a doubt the most violent, gruesome and bloody film in the entire "Exorcist" series and is more physically disgusting and disturbing than it is emotionally horrifying.
The demon attacks several tribal witch doctors during a ritual and breaks the fingers of one of them, nearly tearing off the man's entire hand. The bloody, jagged mass of flesh broken bone is shown. Another has his leg broken in a compound fracture and the broken fibula is shown protruding from his leg.
A man cuts his hand open when he touches a shard of glass on a table which he did not notice there.
A man is shown with a spear gored through his body. He appears dead at first but then awakens and grabs a person nearby him before succumbing to his wounds and dying.
A dead baby is shown being cremated. His face is shown burning.
Strong disturbing violence and gore.
A little boy is attacked by hyenas which tear him to shreds. He screams for help but the hyenas seize him by the limbs and then tear open his throat. He tries to crawl away and his bones are shown sticking through his limbs. The hyenas then grab him again and drag him away to eat him alive.
A possessed man carves a bloody swastika upon his chest before slitting his throat with a straight-razor. Blood is shown pouring from his wounds. He falls to the ground, shaking tremulously before dying.
A Nazi shoots a little girl in the head and bloody mist is shown spraying as he does so.
A soldier stabs another soldier in the throat, twisting the knife as he does so. Blood is shown pouring/spraying out of the wound.
A bloody battle breaks out at the end. A tribal warrior chops open a British soldier's head and blood is shown splashing all over the attacker's face.
A man is shown getting surgery on his arm.
At the beginning, a bloody battlefield is shown with hundreds of bloody corpses and dismembered limbs and heads as well as thousands of men crucified upside down.
A woman begins to bleed copiously from her crotch area. She feels down into the area and pulls up her hand- it is covered with dark blood.
A British soldier shoots a tribal chieftain in the head at close range and kills him.
A man is stabbed with a spear. This is offscreen but later his corpse is shown with blood pouring from his mouth.
A man commits suicide by shooting himself through the mouth after a butterfly climbs out of it, causing him great physical pain.
A man is impaled with a spear and the shaft is shown sticking all the way through him.
A man's face is shown bulging with boils. He looks at himself in the mirror and sees flies crawling on the insides of his face. Very disgusting and not for the squeamish.