Frequent scenes with guns and also scenes with discussions of violent encounters involving firearms. Mafia and organized crime themes throughout.
Several scenes involve fighting, mild brawls, and punching, and include verbal threats.
A scene of one man getting violently beat-up for sleeping with the attacker's wife, including lots of blood and gore effects, and a small brawl when the fight is being broken up.
Other scenes involving guns, when the mob boss is being threatened and is subsequently protected by one of his friends.
A scene where a man is lit on fire and later shot. We are shown his burnt body and face, and his eyes when his sunglasses are removed. The gore is detailed and realistic. He is then shot, as a mercy killing. The opening scene of the film is a flashback to this, although not nearly as gory or violent.
A car-jacking occurs, and the main character is shot in the process. Subsequent scenes include blood, when his wounds are being tended to and flashbacks occur, as well. A flashback occurs while his wounds are being tended to, which show the burn victim's eyes bleeding from under his sunglasses.
A graphic depiction of the mob boss's brother's throat being slit for betraying the family. His body is later seen being dragged in a bloody mess on a tarp.
A tense confrontation includes verbal threats and physical restraint of involved persons.
Discussions of violent encounters occur, as well, throughout.
Overall, a violent film, though violence is not pervasive nor particularly intense or graphic, save for the scenes depicting the victims of the bashing or burning.