Lots of intense violence throughout.
A man is beaten by two other men in an alleyway. Minor bruises and cuts are scene.
A man shoots another man several times. Injuries not visible, minor amounts of blood are seen.
A man cuts another man with a knife then proceeds to pour brake fluid on the cut causing the injured man to scream. Not graphic but very intense.
A shootout occurs in a bathroom; bullet holes can be seen in the bathroom stalls. One man is shot during this, and a bloody wound is seen.
A man has a gaping wound on his shoulder; he pours glue on it and then uses a stapler to close the wound.
A man is stabbed in the hand with a dart, he is then shot in the head; blood sprays on the walls. We do not see the bullet wound.
There's a bloody shootout in a bar, and one man is shot in the head (graphic), with blood spattering on the wall behind him. A man slips in a puddle of blood, and another man hits him with a guitar and pushes a shelf over on him. He escapes, and the two continue to shoot at each other.
There's a violent shootout in a street between a man and several carjackers. He shoots at the driver, causing the stolen car to crash, and much heavy gunfire is exchanged. The man holds the gun wrong and hits his hand (a bloody wound is seen), but he manages to kill the other carjackers, shooting one in the head, very intense.
A boy is shown with a gunshot wound on his leg.
A man is shown with multiple bloody wounds on his body. He is alive.
R violence type: blood, gore and graphic.