A helicopter crash occurs.
Several characters are shot and killed.
A massive explosion occurs.
A person is shown making a bomb.
A few instances of hand-to-hand fighting.
Regular, bloodless action movie violence.
War and 9/11 footage appear on screen.
A man is shot point blank in the stomach with in injury out of screen. He stumbles away and dies. Some blood is shown on his shirt. A video shows it again in a later scene.
Characters are shot at throughout the movie.
A man is lit on fire. He is briefly shown screaming and waving frantically.
A bomb goes off and it is implied that many characters die and bystanders are injured. One character is shown with some blood on her face. The bomber then shoots at her multiple times while she flees.
A main character is critically injured when a door is blown back on top of them. It is dark so detail is hard to make out. More shooting follows.
Suspenseful moments like chase sequences are very common.
Two characters are stabbed in the head. Bloodless but one time it is drawn out.