
b5Alaón's review about Young Sheldon(2017)



Rating 10

19:11 03 June, 2024

As Sheldon grows, his mother's role becomes more challenging, transitioning from a protective and caretaking role to a person without an purpose in life. This is evidenced in her evolution from a devout Christian to someone lashing out at everyone indiscriminately.

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À medida que Sheldon cresce, o papel da mãe torna-se cada vez mais desafiador, passando de guardiã protetora para uma personagem que questiona a própria relevância e suas crenças. Sua evolução de uma cristã devota para alguém que faz reflexões mostra um complexo arco de caráter entrelaçado com o amadurecimento do filho.
Conforme o jovem elenco amadurece, as questões narrativas de "Jovem Sheldon" tornam-se cada vez mais aparentes, resultando em uma conclusão agridoce. Embora a última temporada tente terminar de maneira positiva, a influência abrangente da religião lança uma sombra assustadora sobre a série. Apesar disso, a esperança de uma resolução satisfatória para Mary Cooper permanece, enfatizando uma vida de realização comum, mas contente, como forma de sucesso.
A medida que Sheldon crece, el rol de su madre se vuelve cada vez más desafiante: comienza siendo una guardiana protectora que luego se convierte en un personaje que lucha con sus propia relevancia y creencias personales. Su evolución como cristiana devota a alguien que agrede de forma indiscriminada, refleja un arco complejo de su personaje que se entrelaza con la madurez de su hijo.
A medida que el reparto juvenil madura, los problemas narrativos de "El joven Sheldon" se vuelven cada vez más aparentes, lo que hace que la conclusión de la serie sea agridulce. Mientras que la temporada final intenta darle un cierre cálido, la influencia de la religión proyecta una sombra escalofriante. A pesar de esto, sigue en pie la esperanza de que haya una resolución satisfactoria para Mary Cooper con énfasis en la vida cotidiana como un tipo de éxito.
As the young cast gets older, the narrative issues in "Young Sheldon" become more jarring. While the final season attempts to wrap up the story on a warm and positive note, the subtle yet profound influence of religion casts a chilling shadow. Despite this, the hope for a fulfilling resolution for Mary Cooper remains, perhaps as an ordinary yet fulfilling life.
It's really comfortable to watch and goes well with a meal, and there isn't a single person who's annoying, which is quite rare among the family TV shows I've watched. In the last episode, Missy's acting skills exploded, and I felt like crying when she cried. Hurricanes are really scary; they've destroyed so many lives. I felt so sad seeing Meemaw's house damaged. I wonder if Mandy became a weather girl; if she didn't get through the interview with such clever responses, it would be a shame.
I love it even more than The Big Bang Theory. Each character in Young Sheldon is unique and three-dimensional, their choices and conflicts rooted in character. At the same time, it’s warm, humorous, and touching; it also depicts fighting and compromising for love, wit, frustration, mutual understanding, and concern. Can't wait for the next season.
Well…binge-watching and consuming is fully realized for me with this show. Unlike The Big Bang Theory and Friends, being a spin-off diminishes the independence of this show itself, as well as its warmth and message. This habit of binge-watching in my daily life is extremely noticeable in the way it intrudes into my work time and the routines of my daily life, which also affects my attitude towards life and work. This experience is similar to my relationship with my parents in the present.