In one episode, a bird bites a character's crotch (we don't see anything as he's a plush) leading to that character to scream. The bird then states he's never doing that again.
In another episode, there's a joke about a character watching naughty videos but it's never shown.
One character is naked, however since he's a puppet we don't see any private parts.
Violence & Gore
Mild fighting, mostly no blood, but on one occasion where a character is shot there is blood on the character's lip.
One character gets shot in the eye which results in his eye getting wounded. We see blood on his eye and he is seen like that for the rest of the show.
Words like 'damn', 'hell', and 'ass' are used frequently in every episode. Stronger words like 'bitch' and 'shit' are used occasionally as well. Every season also includes 1 'f' word uncensored.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
Some fighting scenes can be intense, but nothing frightening.