You Want Me to Steal You_peliplat
You Want Me to Steal You_peliplat

You Want Me to Steal You (2023)

None | Japan | Japanese | 30 min
Directed by: Ayaka Katô, Shinya Nagano

Naoya Aizawa is a man who takes his work and family seriously. He is happily married to his wife, Kana for several years and both of them work at the same security business company. Both Naoya and Kana work hard and their careers have been moving up steadily. However, their peaceful days change when a new employee, Noa Tachibana, is assigned to Naoya. Noa is a demonic woman and tries to seduce Naoya in various ways. Despite Naoya's efforts in dodging Noa's meticulous tricks, Kana's distrust towards Naoya grows, and she gradually becomes closer to her subordinate, Sou Minaki.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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