Hearts on Ice_peliplat
Hearts on Ice_peliplat

Hearts on Ice (2023)

None | Philippines | Tagalog |
Directed by: Dominic Zapata

"Hearts on Ice" follows the story of Ponggay who aspires to fulfill her mother's broken dreams of becoming a figure skating champion. Despite Ponggay's leg impairment, she works hard to be a figure skater to receive validation and love from her mother. Later on, Ponggay discovers an online content creator whose music brings out the best of her capabilities. As she begins to pursue her passion with the right music, Ponggay meets the snobbishly attractive Enzo who appears to be her anonymous online idol and the one who will soon make her fall in love. Will they be each other's strength and inspiration to continue dreaming? Does love really conquer all challenges? Meanwhile, Ponggay's determination will also be tested as she faces some wicked figure skaters who see her as a big joke in the industry. Until one day, she meets Monique, a talented figure skater from abroad. They form an unlikely friendship without knowing that their mothers used to be bitter opponents in the figure skating world. How will their camaraderie slowly turn to hate and competition? How far can Ponggay go to achieve her dreams and make her loved ones proud?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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