Stous dromous ton Ellinon_peliplat
Stous dromous ton Ellinon_peliplat

Stous dromous ton Ellinon (2023)

None | Greece | Greek | 60 min
Directed by: Hronis Pehlivanidis

An ERT documentary series about the Greek expats community in the United States. The "Traveling" doc series team - journalist Maya Tsoclis and director Chronis Pechlivanidis - go on the road around the world, following the routes of the Greek Diaspora. With a tender and objective gaze, they register contemporary Hellenism and meet representatives of the Greek community who recount essential chapters of contemporary Greek history through their personal, family narratives. The series "Routes of the Greek Diaspora" and its creators aspire to give viewers a clear picture of both the history and the great currents of mass immigration that led hundreds of thousands of Greeks to America, highlighting the great significance of the Greek Diaspora communities for Hellenism. Several uniquely different people gift their precious stories to the series. Some represent the old world, moving us and making us smile, while others open windows to the future, breaking down timeless stereotypes. The historical advisor of the series is the prolific Alexander Kitroeff, a specialist in Greek Diaspora issues.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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