Stars (in credits order)
Maluhia Kinimaka
Ewe Wong
Brianna Cope
Pua DeSoto
Moana Jones Wong
Duane DeSoto
Pua's Father
Lu'Ukia Archer
Ewe's Mother
Dave Riddle
Volcom Hawaii Team Manager
Iris Fitzgerald
Ewe's Best Friend
Tehotu Wong
Moana's Husband
Rainos M. Hayes
Billabong Hawai'I Team Manager
Kiana Ho
Moana's Friend
Anu Desoto
Pua's Older Sister
Malia Ka'Aihue
Pua's Mother
Dawson Jones
Moana's Father
Koral Mccarthy
Maluhia's Friend
Dussy Jones
Moana's Mother
Jason Shibata
Ewe's Surf Coach
Kalani Rivero
Carissa Moore
Pro Surfer
Ha'a Keaulana
Titus Kinimaka
Rosy Hodge
Leland Dao
Jodi Young
Event Producer
Mahina Florence
Steve Van Doren
Gabriella Cope
Brianna's Sister
Megan Godinez
Boxing Coach
Makana Pang
Carl Schaper
Maluhia's Shaper
Liz Cope
Brianna's Mother
Noah Klapp
Puamakamae Desoto
Christina Cope
Brianna's Sister In Law
Steven Van Doren
VP of Events and Promotions
Megan Gozinez
Love Hodel
Surf Coach
Zoe Benedetto
Rick Bratman
Billy Kemper
Irie Fitzgerald
Bettylou Sakura Johnson
Keanu Asing
Sara Filmalter