Corpo libero_peliplat
Corpo libero_peliplat

Corpo libero (2022)

None | Italy, Germany | Italian |
Directed by: Valerio Bonelli, Cosima Spender

Martina, 15, is an athlete for Vis Invicta, the team representing Italy at the prestigious Winter Fox tournament. After being stopped due to a mysterious injury, Martina returns to compete to prove, especially to herself, her worth. Together in the team are the inseparable Carla and Nadia, the strongest and Anna and Benedetta, nicknamed "the useless ones." With this tournament their lives may change. For an entire week, in fact, day after day, locked in a mountain hotel that has stood still in time, they will compete together with the athletes of four other teams trying to hit the highest goal: a place at the next Olympics. Accompanying them in this challenge are coach Rachele and sports doctor Alex, the adults the girls have, for years, seen more than their parents. The death of a girl, whose body is found in the woods, however, changes everything. And the murder investigation becomes an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the world of the protagonists, discover their secrets, expose their lies, and those, far more dangerous, of the adults.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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