Des gens bien_peliplat
Des gens bien_peliplat

Des gens bien (2022)

MA15+ (AU) | Belgium | French |
Directed by: Stéphane Bergmans, Benjamin d'Aoust, Matthieu Donck

A car runs off the road and bursts into flames. Tom, the driver of the car, is able to save himself, but not his wife. At least that is what he reports to the police officers who arrive at the scene of the accident shortly afterwards. His colleagues are shocked and offer him consolation for the loss of his wife. After all, Tom is one of the decent people and a police colleague across the nearby border with Belgium. Especially the police chief of the French community, Roger Rabet, feels for the victim, having himself lost his wife in a car accident. He can hardly believe it when his colleague Philippe, who knew the victim, suspects that it might have been a staged accident. Philippe looks for someone who shares his opinion. But in vain: he himself and the clues he finds are not taken seriously by anyone. It is obvious that Tom is hiding something. Philippe investigates the matter and makes a shocking discovery.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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