Finding Kate (Hawaii)_peliplat
Finding Kate (Hawaii)_peliplat

Finding Kate (Hawaii)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Kendrick Simmons
This title has not premiered yet

Synopsis Act 1 She is brilliant. She just does not know it yet. Confident in all aspects of life except for her work as the Production Assistant at Hawaiiwood Productions, fetching coffee for her fiance, (the Director) Leventhal she feels a bit underutilized. She would not dare say that aloud, she would not let them see her sweat. The audience can see that she is a boss, but the character Kate, does not know it yet. In order to create her arc, Kate will go on this journey to discover how truly special she really is. Creating a reason for the audience to root for her. Here there is this young woman, who clearly has potential to be great and working hard to climb the latter. It's something I would look up to in a character. Kate's hobby is creating software. She's really good - like Silicone Valley good. So good she's been working on a special program for her boss that can change the movie industry for good. Only a few people knew she was working on it... Leventhal, Jonathan (Kate's dad) and Primo (her boss). Primo gives Kate a job and funds her research; in exchange she will sell the program to him if and when it's completed. This was a win-win for Kate because she knew he could afford it. Kate spends day after day working at a dead-end job, night after night writing code, one failure after another to the point of almost giving up. Adding an inspiration/reason to continue or a hero figure, creating an opening for a backstory or explanation of how or why Kate has certain characteristics. She fails again, she's upset as a picture of her mother sitting at her workstation, triggers a flashback or memory with her mother (strong, smart beautiful, powerful in Kates eyes) giving words of wisdom about never giving up. This gives Kate the strength to try again and finally she gets it right. At this point how should audience be feeling right now? I would feel like I myself just finished the code and was celebrating alongside of Kate. We want the audience to feel as if they have been with Kate night after night, day after day and give them a chance to being a part of the success. Creating conflict to send the audience on an emotional roller coaster ride. To send our character Kate on an emotional roller coaster ride would produce two outcomes Kate gets spiritually, physically, and emotionally stronger or she doesn't. Kate completes the software making Primo so happy decides to throw a huge company party on the night of the signing and make the big announcement about the new software. He prepares the papers to buy the software, he wants to make a celebration out of it and have a party with a live onstage signing. It's a lovely evening. There are people in the industry dancing and celebrating Kate enters as the bell of the ball and the spotlight is on her the whole evening, everyone is still wondering what the huge celebration is about. All they know is Kate is a huge part of it. Primo he gets on stage, begins his speech, he calls Kate on stage and gives her high praise and gives Kate the pen letting her sign first, she signs, and the guest begin applauding, she hands the pen to Primo and as he's about to sign the paper he begins to have a heart attack. Everyone one in an uproar, rushing to the stage, Kate is holding her friends convulsing body in her hands. She's trying to save him, but she can't feel a pulse. She desperately tries to revive him. The ambulance arrives and Emergency Response Tech's take him away in the ambulance. Distraught, with family and friends, Kate watches the news making the announcement that Primo dies from a heart attack. How is the audience feeling? How is Kate feeling? This is a helix of emotions for Kate to deal with Kate is distraught. They were friends; he was a mentor to her. The audience should be feeling what Kate is feeling. The excitement of finishing the project, her family and friends know how hard she's been working, and it finally pays off, then her business partner, friend, mentor dies. He didn't even get to make the announcement. Bend Kate's arc in the opposite direction Before Primo has his funeral, in comes Jillie Suede.... She is a boss. So much of a boss that she just became the new owner of Hawaiiwood but, who has ever heard of this person? Jillie knows about the program and decides that she wants to buy it. Kate doesn't trust Jillie, she doesn't know anything about her, but Jillie knows everything about Kate plus Kate feels that something was fishy about Primo's death. Kate declines her offer. Hank Tolomeo, the owner of HT Productions (the second largest production company in Hawaii) offers to buy the software from Kate but she begins having second thoughts about selling it. Just when things can't get any worse... It's discovered that Primo's death wasn't an accident... Someone murdered him. I can imagine that Kate has so many unanswered questions, suspicions and a bundle of emotions racking her brain and then she gets paranoid. So, she creates a fail safe in her software and gives it to Melanie (her good friend) to hold. That way the software is useless without the fail safe. Things get worse because there's someone out there who wants that software so badly, that she ends up being abducted and interrogated by Villand (bad guy) and Nogood (another bad guy). This is a nightmare for Kate. She's gone for several days; meanwhile, Jonathan (her father) and Leventhal file for a missing person's report, hang up signs, search for her and plead with the public for help finding her. Kate endures the torture doesn't tell them the whereabouts of the program. She waits for the right moment to make her escape. Her moment finally comes when, out of frustration, one of her captors make a mistake allowing Kate to escape her cell. She's terrified because she doesn't know where she is. It's like a maze but she happens to find her belongings, which includes her phone. And even though she has to frantically search for a signal Kate makes a video call to Leventhal. Thank God he answers the phone. After getting his attention she tries to explain where she's at, but she can't because she doesn't know. Then they hear Villand and Nogood coming down the hall Kate screams and Leventhal watches as his fiance is dragged away... then the phone disconnects. Act 2 Kate is back in her cell. She managed to hide the phone because they didn't know she had it. Kate tries to use the phone, but she can't call out for some reason. And just like her phone, Kate's almost broken... Meanwhile, Kate's disappearance is all over the television after Leventhal shares the video call with the media in hopes of getting everyone to help find Kate. It gets so much attention that (special agents) Koski and Faulk fly in from Washington to conduct their own investigation. Kate is feeling sorry and tries to convince herself that this was somehow all her fault. If she had not created the software Primo would still be alive. She wants to lie down and give up... but she can't... she still has hope. She decides at that moment she's getting out of there and when she does only her friends and family will know where she is. Kate grabs the phone and sends a long text message to Leventhal; she presses send and prays the message gets out. Leventhal is sitting at Jonathan's house with Melanie when he gets the text. She had to be sure only her family and friends will be able to find her, so she left clues and hints within the text about hiding sections of her software in different areas of the island, leaving clues on where to find the next section. Apart they are useless, so she hid them but now she needs the sections of the software and is counting on her family/friends to follow the clues. Within the clues is information so they can be more prepared for the hiding spots. Trust no one and follow the clues. She can't afford for the program to get into the wrong hands. It couldn't have come any sooner because Nogood was ready to take the interrogation to another level. Kate finally decides to lead them to where she hid the software. Her chances of surviving are slim but not as slim as if she were still in that cell. Besides, she knew the program was useless without the fail safe. While she leads them to a spot on a trail where she used to hike getting closer to the hiding spot, Lev, and Mel try to figure out what the text means, then Jonathan asks Mel if she would be able to track Kates phone. Kate finally gets to the hiding spot and hands over the program. Of course, they can't let her live. They walk her further in off trail and search her again for good measure and find the phone. Kate sees that she is about to die and begins fighting for her life. She manages to break free and run. They give chase but can't keep up. Kate knows this trail too well. She's super athletic and determined to survive. Nogood takes aim with his gun and fires a shot. He mashes the phone that is on the ground. Mel at the computer gets a ping on her cell phone and is able to track the location. Then the signal dies out. It was up long enough to figure out which trail it was. They take it to the agents who narrow the search down within a mile Everyone is searching for Kate. A group of friends and neighbors spread out through the trail calling out Kate's name. HPD and the dogs are out looking for her. Koski and Faulk are there... Tight power suits and dress shoes and all. On a slippery, muddy hiking trail. They are having a tough time. Even though adjusting to Hawaii isn't easy they are well trained so there's no surprise that they found Kate's broken phone and traces of blood. Declaring it an active crime scene the agents order HPD to and block off the area and continue the search. After a little push back and a phone call HPD was happy to provide them with anything they needed. Kate makes it to the road at the top of Tantalus lookout with a nasty scar because a bullet grazed her arm. Kate... tortured, dehydrated, starving, and injured, rips a piece of her shirt, and wraps it around her arm catches her breath overlooking the lights of the city then begins jogging down Tantalus. Villand and Nogood finally make it to the road hot on Kates trail. They make it back to their car. The agents analyze the crime scene and conclude the Kate may still be alive and being hunted by two people. It turns out that the agency that Koski and Faulk work for had an arrangement with Primo to purchase the software. They felt that in the wrong hands the software could be a threat to national security. (NOTE: They plan to get the software and turn it into a weapon themselves). They are there to track down that software. Villand and Nogood take the software to their boss who turns out to be Hank Tolomeo. Hank has his tech guy look at the software and he quickly realizes there is a missing piece that is critical. They conclude that her friend must have the missing piece. Hank orders them to go after Mel. Jonathan, Lev, and Mel are at odds because Jonathan wants to turn the text over to the agents. He feels since there was blood at the scene that Kate might be in trouble. Lev was sure that Kate can take care of herself and if she didn't want anyone knowing about the message, she had a good reason. They look at the message. It's a road map of clues; hints and hidden messages that help them find where she is planning to be. He convinces Jonathan that it could put her in more danger. The only thing to do, is to read the message and follow the clues, she might still be in danger. Kate makes it to her place that was trashed, gets cleaned up, grabs some essentials and leaves. Wearing a mask and sunglasses she uses a tourist's phone to send Lev a text message. Lev, Jonathan, and Mel are trying to figure out the clues, but nothing is making sense. Jonathan begins to feel like it's a waste of time. She could be dying or something worse. Jonathan is about the call the agents when, Lev gets a text. They gather around the phone, Lev opens the message, and it reads, 447 S King St. Villand and Nogood arrive just in time to see Jonathan and Lev leave the house in search of the first clue (Mel stays behind in case Kate comes home). After checking in with Hank, they were instructed to follow them. They might lead them to Kate. They followed them and park across the street from Jonathan and Lev standing in front of the King Kamehameha Statue. "This is where it all begins?" Jonathan is confused looking at the blown-up version of Kate's text trying to understand what it means and what does it have to do with the King. After having a deep historical conversation about the King, it finally hits Lev in the face. This just so happens to be the spot he asked Kate to marry him. (How come it took so long to remember that was the look on Jonathan's face.) Villand and Nogood continue spying on them and try to figure out what they are doing. Mel, back at the house, gets a visit from Koski and Fault. She gets a little intimidated and lets them in. They ask her a few questions and look around, but Mel doesn't tell them anything. However, Koski does see the large note, 447 S King St. sitting on the desk. They leave Mel to chase down the new lead. Mel, finally see's why they were in a hurry and call's Lev to give them a warning. Lev, goes to the exact spot where he knelt down and proposed to her, reaches down to where he hid the ring and finds a note in Kates handwriting. It's another clue. Lev's phone rings and it's Mel warning them about the agents. They grab their things and hurry off; Villand and Nogood not far behind. Act 3 Jonathan and Lev are led to various places on the island bringing them closer to Kate. Koski and Faulk are having a little more trouble adjusting to Hawaii and the spirit of aloha. Special Agents Koski and Faulk sit outside Lev's House, back where they started. After being led on a wild goose chase around the island. Let's say for now that their history of Hawaii and the Aloha Spirit combined with good intentions they're finally graced with some luck. They no longer have on the tight power suites, dress shoes and ties, they went out to runners' route and purchased a set of cross terrain running shoes. They looked like they have been living there all their lives, but they just can't get the language of the people down. So outside they wait in the truck trying to compare the best impressions of Pidgin to each other when out bolts Mel, bursting out of the door like the house was on fire. Fumbling with her keys and jumping into her vehicle she drives off in a hurry. The Agents are startled by this but before Koski can open the truck door to catch Mel before she leaves, Falk decides to follow her instead. "She's in a hurry. Let's see where this goes." So, they follow Mel. Meanwhile, Hank Tolomeo hangs up the phone after instructing someone to keep him updated. He has his tech (Bobs) working on the software. Something good is happening because he looks hopeful. He feels like his life depends on it as Hank walks over to him, Bobs explains to Hank that he found something. Something big. He cannot quite put his finger on it yet, but it might give them the advantage. After further examining the situation Hank has a Grinch-like smile on his face. Jonathan and Lev, muddy and a little bust up, looking at the final clue to the location that leads back to Kate. It's raining, they're tired but have all the pieces and are ready to meet up with Kate. Kate is the final piece and as they look at each other, it's a look of respect for one another. They now know exactly where Kates is. Kate's plan works. Villand and Nogood couldn't keep up. After a few car chases, a bar fight in Chinatown and some other madness they lost them. After reporting the news to Hank, they were instructed to sit tight. Nogood is worried about Hank's reaction Villand tells him to sit tight and relax eventually they are bound to slip up. Jonathan and Lev are at the final location and see Kate. Lev runs to Kate, wraps his arms around her picks her up and spins her around. They are so happy to see each other. She looks at her dad and as they hug, they stay connected for a second longer, Jonathan is giving her a look over, Kate put together the pieces to the software. It's together but Kate explains that the only way it can be activated is if Mel brings the last piece. Kate doesn't want that to happen just yet. She still needs to find out who murdered Primo as long as they are out there then she's in danger. As long as Mel is not with them the software is safe. There's a noise and Villand and Nogood drag in Mel kicking and screaming at gunpoint. They make everyone get on the floor and demand the program from Kate. Out of fear for Mel's life she gives the software up. In walks ... You will have to wait for the movie to come out to hear the rest.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Finding Kate (Hawaii)
(Original title)
Finding Kate (Hawaii)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes