Stars (in credits order)
Macarena Pizarro
Self - Anchor
Daniel Matamala
Gabriel Boric
Self - President of the Republic
Humberto Sichel
Mónica Rincón
Izkia Siches
Self - Minister of the Interior
Aldo Schiappacasse
Self - Sportscaster
Carlos Grage
Roberto Cox
Self - Reporter
Giorgio Jackson
Self - Minister Secretary General of the Presidency
Camila Vallejo
Self - Future Minister Secretary General of the Presidency
Alejandro Guillier
Rafael Cavada
Karina Álvarez
Iván Núñez
Ivan Moreira
Self - UDI Senator
Rodrigo Delgado
Claudia Araneda
Álvaro Elizalde
Self - PS Senator
Evelyn Matthei
Self - Mayor of Providencia
Marcela Cubillos
Self - UDI Conventional Constituent
Mario Marcel
Self - Minister of Finance
Irina Karamanos
Manuel José Ossandón
Self - RN Senator
Jaime Naranjo
Self - PS Congressman
Fabiola Campillai
Self - Independent Senator
Ximena Rincón
Self - DC Senator
Karol Cariola
Self - PC Congresswoman
Cristián Monckeberg
Self - RN Conventional Constituent
Rodolfo Baier
Patricia Venegas
Javier Soto
Rolando Jiménez
Self - MOVILH Leader
Sebastián Piñera
Self - Former President of the Republic
Verónica Bianchi
Gonzalo Fouillioux
Jorge Sharp
Self - Mayor of Valparaíso
Andrés Longton
Self - RN Congressman
Yasna Provoste
Juan Ignacio Vicente
Self - CEO of CHV
Cristián de la Fuente
Self - Actor and Father of the Victim
Angelica Castro
Jorge Abbott
Self - National Prosecutor
Libardo Buitrago
Self - International Analyst
Juan Ignacio Latorre
Self - RD Senator
Carlos Montes
Self - Future Minister of Housing
Rojo Edwards
Self - Republican Party President
Catalina Pérez
Self - RD Congresswoman
Enrique Paris
Self - Minister of Health
Paulina Núñez
Jorge Alessandri
Self - UDI Congressman
Matilde Burgos
Jeannette Jara
Self - Future Minister of Labor
Pamela Jiles
Self - Independent Congresswoman
Daniel Jadue
Self - Mayor of Recoleta
Katherine Martorell
Self - Former Undersecretary of Crime Prevention
Johannes Kaiser
Self - Congressman
Antonia Orellana
Self - Future Minister of Women
Francisco Vidal
Self - Former Minister of Defense
Elisa Loncon
Self - PM Conventional Constituent
Eugenio Salinas
Karim Butte
Sebastián Aguirre
Soledad Agüero
Consuelo Vergara
Mauricio Israel
Juan Carlos Gutierrez
Juan Cristóbal Guarello
Edgardo Marín
Sebastián Rozental
Self - Colo Colo Forward
Jorge González
Self - Los Prisioneros
Álvaro Henríquez
Miguel Tapia
Lola Melnick
Manuel Pellegrini
Felipe Bianchi
Arturo Sanhueza
David Henríquez
Chamagol González
Marcela Brane
Self - Weather Anchor
Flavia Fucenecco
Self - Candidate for Queen of Viña
Daniella Chavez
Jhendelyn Nuñez
Kathy Salosny
Ítalo Zúñiga
Alexis Sánchez
Self - Interviewee
Andrés Allamand
Self - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Josefina de la Fuente
María José Hoffmann
Self - UDI General Secretary
Teresa Marinovic
Pamela Figueroa
Self - Political Analyst
Andrés Caniulef
José Antonio Kast Adriasola
Self - Kast's Son
Guido Girardi
Self - PPD Senator
Natalia Piergentili
Self - PPD President
Daniel Mansuy
Juan Antonio Coloma
Iván Sánchez
José Pastor
Self - Spanish Singer
Leonardo Soto
Self - Socialist Congressman
Nicolás López
Self - Filmmaker
Hugo Covarrubias
Self - Director of 'Bestia'
Felipe Ríos
Self - Actor
Felipe Kast
Self - Evópoli Senator
Tomás Vodanovic
Self - Mayor of Maipu
Javier Macaya
Self - UDI Party President
Maria José Gomez
Self - Undersecretary of Crime Prevention
Agustín Romero
Self - Republican Party Congressman
Erick Aedo
Self - DC Congressman
José Miguel Durana
José Miguel Insulza
Beatriz Sánchez
Self - FA Conventional Constituent
Francisco Huenchimilla
Marcelo Araya
Self - Journalist
Henry Leal
Fuad Chahín
Self - DC Conventional Constituent
Felipe Guevara
Maria Elisa Quinteros
Self - President of the Constitutional Convention
Juan Carlos Muñoz
Self - Minister of Transportation
Ruth Hurtado
Self - Republican Party Conventional Constituent
Juan Luis Castro
Claudio Orrego
Self - Metropolitan Region Governor
Gonzalo Winter
Self - CS Congressman
Antonia Urrejola
Irací Hassler
Self - Mayor of Santiago
Marco Ávila
Self - Minister of Education
Cecilia Ugalde
Self - Mayor (S) of Valparaiso
Jaime Bellolio
Bárbara Sepúlveda
Self - PC Conventional Constituent
Bernardo Fontaine
Jaime Mulet
Self - FRVS Congressman
Helia Molina
Self - Former Minister of Health
Luciano Rivas
Self - Governor of La Araucania
Arturo Zúñiga
Diego Schalper
Patricio Melero
Self - Minister of Labor
Mario Desbordes
Self - Former Minister of Defence
Fernando Atria
Raúl Soto
Self - President of the Chamber of Deputies
Ricardo Lagos
Rubén Oyarzo
Self - PDG Congressman
Lucas Palacios
Self - Minister of Economy
Miguel Mellado
Rodrigo Cerda
Emilia Schneider
Self - Comunes Party Congresswoman
Luis Sánchez
Self - PR Congressman
Hotuiti Rangi Teao Drago
Self - Independent Congressman
Jorge Luchsinger
Self - Son of the Murdered Marriage
Maria Begoña Yarza
Self - Future Minister of Health
Iván Flores
Mauricio Daza
Self - Independent Conventional Constituent
Carlos Valencia
Self - Pasapalabra Executive Producer
Fidel Espinoza
Rodrigo Díaz
Self - Governor of the Biobío Region
Cecilia Toro
Self - Producer of 'Bestia'
Jorge Durán
Alejandra Sepulveda
Self - FRVS Senator
Juan Sutil
Self - CPC President
Chiara Barchiesi
Self - Republican Party Congresswoman
Cecilia Cifuentes
Self - ESE Bussiness School Academic
Carlos Gajardo
Self - Former Prosecutor
Mónica Zalaquett
Self - Minister of Women
Simón Boric
Self - President of the Republic's Brother
Jaime Bassa
Consuelo Silva Dagorret
Self - CHV Programming Manager
Manuel Monsalve
Self - Future Undersecretary of the Interior
Darío Turovelzky
Self - Paramount South Latam Hub General Manager
Felipe Mena
Natalia Valdebenito
Carolina Soto
Chancho en Piedra
Elisa Zulueta
Fernando Gonzalez
Jean Paul Pineda
Gonzalo López
Carlos Palacios
Rodrigo Osorio
Randall Schwerdorffer
Self (uncredited)
Pablo Larraín