This (but Better)_peliplat
This (but Better)_peliplat

This (but Better)

None | New Zealand | English |
Directed by: Lucinda Jones, Genevieve Kent
This title has not premiered yet

LISA is a failing actress, fresh out of a painful breakup, wondering if she should have followed a more conventional path. MANDY followed the conventional path, but feels unsatisfied, falling into messy patterns with undeserving lovers, while regretting not pursuing her true passion- music. We follow the women as they manoeuvre unfulfilling careers, mediocre sex lives, and womanhood. The five-part series explores the uncertainty in the space between youth and adulthood, and is punctuated by comedic musical set pieces and cutaways which delve into the protagonists' memory and imagination.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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