Die Sentrum_peliplat
Die Sentrum_peliplat

Die Sentrum (2021)

None | South Africa | Afrikaans |
Directed by: Liezl Spies, Mandilakhe Yengo

"Die Sentrum" is centred around a group of eight diverse counsellors who work together in a helpline call centre and seek to help callers with their personal issues. However, each one of the counsellors has their own challenges to overcome. The series explores compelling social realism scenarios against the present times in South Africa. The callers' stories provide another layer of social reality in each episode. The office politics, foibles, friendships, fights and frissons create texture and humour in the story strands. Alcoholism, domestic violence, a desperate search for love, and secret lifestyles are some of the subjects the counsellors need to deal with - not only over the telephone but in their personal lives as well.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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