Doctor's Orders_peliplat
Doctor's Orders_peliplat
Play trailer

Doctor's Orders (2021)

TV-MA (US) | USA | English | 135 min
Directed by: David C. Roberts, Billy Shebar

"I know everything. What do you want to know?" Andrew "Chef" Glick sits in a candle-lit tattoo parlor getting his Pagan's Motorcycle Club tattoo covered up with orange and red flames. As he surrenders to the pain, Chef tells one of the most dramatic crime stories of the last twenty years: the 2012 murder of radio host April Kauffman near Atlantic City, NJ. April's husband Jim, a respected endocrinologist, secretly wrote illegal opioid prescriptions for the Pagans, and later hired Chef's mentor in the club, Fred "Miserable" Augello, to kill his wife. But for five years no one questioned Dr. Kauffman or his Pagan co-conspirators. Finally, a new detective pressured Chef to commit the ultimate sin: wearing a wire on his Pagan brother.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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