Frequent scenes of robots beheading other robots, robot gore included.
Frequent stylized robotic violence and gore. For example, decapitations, robots that are impaled, etc.
Most of the graphic violence is offscreen with over-the-top blood spurts, but in episodes like "Cabin Fever" and "Dead End", the violence can be brief but very graphic. (Even though the violence is "morally" reduced due to the robots having oil as blood.)
Over-the-top robot implosions are present in almost every episode. Most of them are brief, other are graphic.
Dismemberment and extremely mutilated robot corpses and organs are present in almost every episode. This can range from piles of dead, dismembered robots (which is somewhat reduced due to the series' dark atmosphere, which hides most of the graphical gore) to sudden beheadings, dismemberment, disemboweling, and more.
Robots die in almost every way possible. They are torn apart horizontally with organs falling out (most of the times brief). Decapitation with gore detail, blown up with body parts flying everywhere, dismemberment, stabbing, head getting crushed or shot at point-blank, etcetera.
The drones have no blood. Instead, they have and bleed oil. In certain episodes, human blood, gore, and dismemberment are shown graphically.
In the episode 7, there's a flashback scene where the Dissasembly Drones are eating the human corpses.
Every episode features stylized gore to varying degrees, with the worst being in episodes 4, 7, and 8.
TV-14 violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.
Alot of gore.
Overall, moderate since they are robots.
Strong brutal bloody violence.