The Prince of Tennis II: U-17 World Cup_peliplat
The Prince of Tennis II: U-17 World Cup_peliplat

The Prince of Tennis II: U-17 World Cup (2022)

None | Japan | Japanese, English | 24 min
Directed by: Keiichirô Kawaguchi

When tennis phenom Ryoma Echizen is kicked out of Japan's elite U-17 training camp for breaking the rules, he's despondent. But a stroke of good luck hits when he's able to try out for the U.S. team. Proving himself against their hardened veterans isn't going to be easy, and if he is accepted, he'll have to play against his former friends. Can he help his new brothers smash their way to victory??

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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