
Mental (2022)

12 (PL) | Poland | Polish |
Directed by: Kordian Kadziela

Wiktor, a debuting standuper during the show, begins to be harassed for a refund. Running away from creditors, he locks himself in his apartment and takes a whole vial of medication, trying to commit suicide. Kogut is taken to a boarding school, escorted by the police. He wakes his friends from the room and takes out the alcohol and drugs stolen from his father. When one of the colleagues loses consciousness, the Rooster panic attacks, he has hallucinations. Lena should go to her nursing technical college, but she has a lot of resistance, her stomach hurts, but her mother does not see anything wrong with it. The girl shows up at school and is immediately mocked and ridiculed by her tormentor Laura and her friends. It closes in the toilet against them. When it comes to another direct confrontation, Lena loses consciousness. Wiktor decides to go to a psychiatric hospital. Kogut and Lena, brought by ambulance services, are brought to the same hospital.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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