
Otchayannye (2019)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Darya Poltoratskaya

Two women, as different as chalk and cheese, have only two things in common - 1) their lives are dull and boring and 2) nobody wants them. But nothing stands still for long - events happen, often suddenly and when least expected, which can bring about changes and complications. Waiting at a bus stop one day, the women witness a crime, next they suddenly find themselves hostages locked in the trunk of a SUV full of money. Shortly afterwards when they manage to escape, they are seen as criminals suspected of committing a series of high-profile crimes. "The dogs are unleashed" by the police and the gang leaders to catch the two runaways. There is no choice - the hunted women have to rely solely on each other. As the situation worsens from hour to hour, our heroines discover that not only their freedom, but their very lives are at stake. However, this desperate and dangerous pursuit brings the women closer together, helping them to find their self-confidence, to understand their personal problems and to discover the noble aspirations of hope and love - in short, everything that was lacking so much in their lives before that fateful morning.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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