Desert Collectors_peliplat
Desert Collectors_peliplat

Desert Collectors (2018)

None | Australia | English |
Directed by: Nigel Quick

Collecting is not just Australian, it's a universal habit. We have an opportunity to inform, educate and entertain not just Australians but the whole world about our amazing country and its diverse and unique characters. We travel over 20,000 kms from the desert to the coast, meeting the most unique people from all walks of life. From Janet and Steve and their massive alcohol collection, to Burt and Angie with an incredible number of cars from all over the world, there's a different collection with a unique story everywhere we go. Desert Collectors features two to four stories each episode, and will amaze with its variety, uniqueness, and humour that represents regional Western Australia. Desert Collectors will draw you in and leave you wanting more.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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