There are multiple blatant sex jokes and innuendos.
During the IMP jingle, we briefly see two people having sex, although they are covered.
Some sexually explicit language, bleeped for comedic effect.
'Some' Demon Guy says that he got sent to Hell because he killed his wife for fucking a delivery man.
When Blitz approaches Loona with her adoption anniversary gift, Loona asks, "Is it a cure for syphilis?" Syphilis is an STD (sexually transmitted disease).
A woman opens a computer to see her husband cheating on her with another woman. Kids are behind her watching.
A woman is seen having sex with two different men in a montage. No genitals or nipples are seen, but thrusting, and squishy sounds can. Everything is covered by the blanket.
An owl character reoccurring joke is that he had a one night stand with a main character. this is referenced frequently.
Moxxie and Millie passionately kiss with their tongues.
A character calls Blitzo wants to have a "passionate fornication" with him (fornication means having sex when not married)
A giant orgy ensues at a beach after a character does a "mating call" and it shows characters roughly kissing, flirting sexually, and other sexual innuendos. Nothing explicit is shown.
A whole episode revolves around succubi/incubi (Sex demons) lots of sexual innuendos
A character is seen tied up in bondage with a ball gag hanging from their neck, while sitting in bed next to another character. Nothing explicit is seen
One weapon says "My Dick" and when it shoots the missile, it reads "Pussy Destroyer"
Blitzø and Stolas make multiple sexual advances towards each other, though nothing is seen.
One episode takes place in a lust club. Strippers, provocative dancing, and lots of sexual language is used
A character says "What do you want? Butt stuff? Pissplay?"
Nudity from demons male and female are seen but nipples are covered with tape in Xs or hearts. No genitals are ever seen except an old man's parts in one episode.
An owl demon and another demon explicitly kiss in one episodes.
A character named Barbie Wire seduces a teenage boy by bending over and revealing panties that barely cover the buttocks and wiggles it.
Characters kiss and clothes flying in front of a crowd of teens.
There's a plenty of instances where dildos and penises are shown but any severe nudity is censored because of YouTube guidelines.
Some characters moan.
There are sexual jokes in almost every episode.
Some girls wear crop tops.
There is a brief scene where we see a couple nude on a bed in sexual positions. We also see the woman's bare buttocks (uncensored).
Animated sexual content/nudity.
An Owl inspired character, Stolas, makes a deal with another character, Blitzø, that he if he does him a few, "favors", he can keep the book. A recurring joke in earlier episodes, particularly in the pilot and Episode 1 of season 1, shows the owl character talking dirty to Blitzø. Most of the stuff he says is censored, implying that the stuff he's saying was too intense for even Blitzø to handle.
In Episode 1, Stolas is naked in a bath as he calls Blitzo. Nothing is shown.
Mild in a lot of episodes.
Some female characters' breast jiggle between movements.
Moderate sexual humor, sexual references, sexual innuendos and pixelated partial nudity.
Millie Knolastname is shown to amorous at times.
Heavy suggestive content and moderate nudity.
Nothing too crude.