Kiwis at War_peliplat
Kiwis at War_peliplat

Kiwis at War (2006)

None | New Zealand | English |
Directed by: John Hagen, Michael Huddleston, Roz Mason

Kiwi spies, escape artists, survivors and heroes all take their place in Kiwis At War, a new all-action, all-Kiwi documentary series. Each episode is devoted to the story of one brave New Zealander from World War Two, and describes their cunning, daring and bravery. "There are some great interviews, with great characters, and each episode dramatizes real-life ripping yarns" says senior producer Gary Scott of Wellington production company The Gibson Group. "In some ways the series has been inspired by tales that I have heard from my own grandfather" says Scott, who is also a New Zealand historian. "Ordinary people did the most extraordinary things, showed great courage, and went on epic adventures in the middle of all the horrifying things going on around them." Some of Kiwis At War action heroes are already well known. Lady spy Nancy Wake is a living legend - nicknamed 'the White Mouse', Wake was one of the most effective secret agents the European campaign, while two-time Victoria Cross winner Captain Charles Upham is the most highly decorated Allied soldier of the War.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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