Adrian Dean
Stars (in credits order)
Dawn Bird
Lily the Bison
Jason Bryant
Otis the Otter
Jay Robertson
Georgie the Moose
Sierra Haynes
Bianca the Bunny
Darianne Galden
Ben the Beaver
Jennifer Graff Litzenberger
Courtney the Caterpillar
Brandy Melnechenko
Mark Oddan
Carlos the Canadian Goose
Miles Meili
Paul the Pelican
Trevor Aikman
Baby Turtle
Beata Van Berkom
Leena the Leatherback Turtle
Erik Weinhart
Baby 2
Bryan Roces
Maurice the Mountain Goat
Logan Markel
Simon the Bunny
Jesse Adam
Brian the Bear
Aneurin Sheasby
Angie the Ant
Jennifer Sheasby
Louisa's Mom
Ava Janzen
Penelope the Porcupine
Alyssa Brisbois
Milton the Bat
Ed Mendez
Skip the Skunk
Amy Mantyka
Sidney the Snake
Jody Peters
Frank the Firefly
Catlin Hogan
Oscar the Otter
Nate Biliske
Warren the Wren
Leia Peters
Hazel the Squirrel
Emma Fiorante
Wendy the Woodpecker
Gabrielle Dufresne
Sophia Peters
Beatrice the Burrowing Owl
Rina Hanowski
Lavender the Bison
Matthew Letkeman
Wendell the Wolverine
Dawn Alexis Suchoboki
Patty the Prairie Dog
Abby Wintermute
Shayla the Snail
Brody Stewart
Wanda the Whale
Ivy Sava
Jackie the Jay
Seanna Knudsen
Baby 1