Never Stand Still_peliplat
Never Stand Still_peliplat
Play trailer

Never Stand Still (2019)

None | China | Chinese, Mandarin |
Directed by: Keng Guan Chiu

Through skateboarding, a young man suffering from depression overcomes his fears and finds the warmth of friendship. A Bu (Guo Zifan) and his dad travelled from their hometown in the South to a first-rate city in order to provide a better education for A Bu. A Bu's grades suffer because he finds it hard to adjust to his new life and starts to lose sleep. A Bu spots four uniquely-dressed guys playing on their skateboards. Their leader Chen Xiwen (Emn Chen) wanted to prank A Bu by asking if he would like to try skateboarding. A Bu falls as expected, but as he was kneeling on the ground, he did not feel any pain. That night, he had the best sleep he's had in a long time. A Bu's dad worries that skateboarding would be a bad influence on his son and forbids A Bu from the sport. Through the encouragement of teacher-in-training Su Shan (Yin Ran), A Bu learns the techniques of skateboarding from Chen Xiwen. However, an accident where A Bu injures Chen Xiwen makes him extremely guilty. A Bu considers walking away from his newfound passion and only his loved ones can help him find the courage to stand up again.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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