Scrum Tigers_peliplat
Scrum Tigers_peliplat

Scrum Tigers (2019)

PG (SG) | Singapore | English | 23 min
Directed by: Deakarajen Sanmugam, Ming Siu Goh

Four boys, Frank, Kiran, Hao Ming and Fadzil, are recruited into an average rugby team for a shot at winning the Tumasik Cup, an inter-school 'C' Division rugby challenge trophy. Leading the boys are Dr Terry, an old boy hiding his own secrets in returning to the team as Coach; and Aaron, Team Captain, with a big chip on his shoulders to prove himself. In the face off against Ms Hong, an ambitious teacher looking to undermine Terry's position, Terry finds himself placed in a compromising situation as a doctor to return one of his injured players to the pitch in a crucial match. When Ms Hong conspires with the Aquila Eagles' Coach to get rid of Terry, the Tigers come real close to failing. Can they overcome the odds when everything is stacked against them?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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