
Lalate (2020)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 30 min

LALATE is one of the nation's most popular entertainment and sports news sites, delivering 24/7 exclusive and breaking news. This new Hollywood syndicated TV series is based upon of the hugely successful entertainment news site, delivering an upbeat, fresh and exciting new celebrity talk show with today's most beloved celebrities from television, film, music, and sports. "LALATE" is filmed, produced and distributed by Heywood Kling Productions LLC. Heywood Kling Productions was formed by writer/producer Woody Kling (All in the Family, Carol Burnett Show, Maude, The Jeffersons, Sanford Arms, Diffr'nt Strokes, Rainbow Brite, Cabbage Patch Kids, The Littles, Casper the Ghost, Scooby Doo, Speed Racer, etc) who garnered 7 Emmy Nominations and 2 Emmy Awards, wrote "We Are the Men of Texaco" the theme song to The Texaco Star Theatre staring Milton Berle at 18, and was recently honored by the WGA as one the "Top 10 Comedy Writers in TV History".

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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