a creature is caught in a mousetrap offscreen, sound can be heard. shortly after the creature escapes, leaving a small trail of blood.
A bliblie stabs Alan with a paper clip. He plucks it out with little complaint.
a creature stabs and kills another creature with a paper clip.
Several characters get shot, eaten, stabbed, etc. These deaths are comedically graphic, and are only occasionally taken seriously.
A demon gets it's body parts ripped off and burned, it's bloody.
There is a graphic scene in which a monster is devoured. They first beat him up, causing blood to spill, and then ripped off his limbs (with extra blood). People are then shown graphically eating his guts from a cut in his stomach, with a lot of blood.
Two characters are fatally shot with arrows
A guy gets impaled by a spear.
One of the fun twins spits an acidic substance (playful spit) onto Pim's arm. His arm is later on seen with a nasty chemical burn.
Characters can be shot, stabbed, crushed, ripped in half, or die in other ways, though it's always for comedic purposes.
Frequent violent interactions with shooting, stabbing, and characters expressing intense rage. The violence is both graphic and central to the humor.
Severe violence, but there's a lot of dark humor.