Diarios de la cuarentena_peliplat
Diarios de la cuarentena_peliplat

Diarios de la cuarentena (2020)

12 (ES) | Spain | Spanish | 30 min
Directed by: Álvaro Fernández Armero, David Marqués

The show takes a look at ten different families and groups of people, and their ways to deal with the coronavirus quarantine and the tough decisions they have to face to survive it. The ten groups consist of the following: a neurotic (Carlos Bardem) and a teleworker (Cecilia Gerra); two long distance friends (Gorka Otxoa and Carlos Areces); a man (Adrià Collado) that works at his house, office, kindergarten and ball pit; an overworked neighbor (Fernando Colomo); a casual couple busted by the quarantine (Víctor Clavijo and Montse Plá); two bad influencers (Fele Martínez and Mónica Regueiro); a teenager and her family (Carmen Arrufat); two confined elderly (Petra Martínez and Juan Margallo); and a marriage in crisis (José Luis García Pérez and Cristina Alarcón).

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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