Meatcanyons videos are extremely gory and disturbing and usually touch on very dark and disturbing subjects, one of the main parts of his videos is the bloody and shocking violence, however there is always an overtone of very dark comedy. NOT for the light hearted and are NOT MEANT FOR KIDS!
Contains strong horror and mature situations.
Some very twisted/scary scenes.
Mild/Severe/Very Severe in a lot of videos.
Lots of wild/crazy scenes.
Watch at your own risk.
Most episodes are very intense and sometimes unsettling.
Overall an unsettling, coarse, and hilarious YouTube series.
Common sense media age rating: 16+
In a recent episode, a middle school aged boy/kid gets captured in a cage in Costco and shipped illegally on a truck and a ship and is starved and is in a neck chain with other people in a work camp in Vietnam.
Contains severe, age-restricted(14-16+) shocking and frightening scenes.
In another episode, a young adult/teenager is shown having an intense seizure over a TikTok livestream. This is very frightening to watch.
Moderate/Severe for neurodivergent viewers.
Usually satirical/comical but still very disturbing.