A Toast of Love_peliplat
A Toast of Love_peliplat

A Toast of Love (2003)

None | Singapore | Chinese | 30 min
Directed by: Michael Woo, Pui Mei Chan, Mu Cheng Chen

A spin-off from highly popular drama Vive La Famille, A Toast of Love is a dramedy which revolves around a kaya eatery. Head of the family and taxi-driver Yongfa stumbles upon Jinglian's homemade kaya and discover that it is on par if not better than the ones sold in the market. Convinced that he has a recipe for success in his hands, Yongfa has the brilliant idea of setting up a cafe with Jinglian selling bread, tea and coffee. Lacking in capital, Yongfa approaches sworn enemies Stella and Huifen to invest. They do so unknowingly and ends up quarelling. The cafe is finally set up but as expected the two do not get along and are often their squabbles and constant bickering are fodder for comedy. Each week, artistes such as Edmund Chen, Jeff Wang, Jaime Teo, Priscelia Chan, Yin Yin Liow, Alan Tern, Zen Chong and Qiu Lian Liu will drop in at the kaya shop as a guest stars.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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