Ek Jhoothi Love Story_peliplat
Ek Jhoothi Love Story_peliplat
Play trailer

Ek Jhoothi Love Story (2020)

UA (IN) | Pakistan | Urdu, Hindi |
Directed by: Mehreen Jabbar

Salma and Sohail live a simple life yet aim for the stars when it comes to a life partner. Both create artificial online accounts to find romance through their alter egos with their crushes Natalia and Nofil. Online Salma becomes Natalia and enjoys the attention she gets from Nofil, who is in-fact no other than Sohail's fake profile. Both Salma and Sohail are living a lie when they find their real lives forever intertwined. But can they leave behind mistruth and find true love in each other?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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