The Official_peliplat
The Official_peliplat

The Official (2021)

18+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 50 min
Directed by: Oksana Karas

Arina Alferova (played by Viktoriya Tolstoganova) is a civil servant working at a regional branch of the Ministry of Health. She has a happy life: a nice apartment in the city center, a good car, professional hair styling every morning, shopping trips to Moscow, jewelry, and expensive shoes. After all, the head of a ministry's finance department can afford to splash out- and sometimes even more. Especially if her lover does business with the biggest pharma company in the region. All she has to do in return is sign a couple of contracts, overlook some "accounting errors," and make sure the "right" people win the contracts. One of the beneficiaries is Tsalov, a pharma tycoon who has flooded the market with counterfeit and expired drugs. But Arina has no idea. She's so wrapped up in her personal life that she doesn't realize the true price of the documents she signs-a price that hundreds of people living in her region end up paying with their lives. One day, karma catches up to her when the fake pills cause a death in her family. The Official decides to infiltrate the corrupt "food chain," make her way to the very top-to the Minister-and take everyone down.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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