Story of My Life_peliplat
Story of My Life_peliplat

Story of My Life (2019)

None | Philippines | Tagalog, Filipino |
Directed by: Barry Gonzalez

Sensitive loner Rex (Zaijian) is neglected by his mother and lives in his brother's shadow. His life seems to be just a parade of depressing experiences capped with a humiliating incident that cements his outcast status at school. He finds a ray of hope in his budding romance with his crush--until she leaves him thoroughly heartbroken. Tired of his depressing life of being ignored by everyone, including his family, Rex makes a drastic decision to disappear from their lives. Rex's parents frantically search for him, but their hopes are crushed when they finally find a body. They mourn his death and slowly realize that they somehow contributed to the misery in his life. However, little clues show the continued presence of Rex in the lives of his loved ones, who accidentally stumble upon a discovery that will shake them to their core.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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