K2: Dodgy Badge Brothers_peliplat
K2: Dodgy Badge Brothers_peliplat

K2: Dodgy Badge Brothers (2020)

None | Japan | Japanese |

"Risky Two People" revolves around two detectives as they investigate and solve together brutal crimes that take place in Ikebukuro. Ryuichi Kanzaki is a detective. He is guided by strong morals and he wants to believe in the good aspects of people. He is assigned to work in the criminal investigation division at the Ikebukuro Police Station. During his first day of work there, he is unable to find his assigned partner, veteran detective Kenji Kuroki. Kenji actually took leave from the station without giving them notice. The chief of the criminal investigation division orders Ryuichi to find Kenji. There is also secret between Ryuichi and Kenji. They are actually step brothers.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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