Kodeks molchaniya 2. Sled chyornoy ryby_peliplat
Kodeks molchaniya 2. Sled chyornoy ryby_peliplat

Kodeks molchaniya 2. Sled chyornoy ryby (1994)

16+ (RU) | Russia, Uzbekistan | Russian | 252 min
Directed by: Zinoviy Royzman

Lieutenant Colonel Tura Samatov. He fought drug traffickers in Uzbekistan with varying success. Samatov was sent to prison on a case fabricated against him. His wife and child were killed in a car accident. 6 years have passed. 1986 comes, perestroika began, and after the review of the case, Samatov is released from prison for lack of corpus delicti. He receives a new appointment as head of the water militia in a city on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea with a difficult crime situation. Insolent poachers openly catch fish during spawning and then distribute it among local authorities. Even before the appointment of a lieutenant colonel, a fish protection point was burned in the city and inspector Sattar Abbasov died in the fire. This is the work of the mafia, which trades in the sale of black caviar and sturgeon. The poacher Umar Kuliev confessed to the arson, but it turns out that he is not the real criminal. The bandits also threaten the new chief of police, but Tura Samatov and his assistant Silov, in spite of everything, are determined to stop the criminal activities of the group.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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