A Perfect Family_peliplat
A Perfect Family_peliplat

A Perfect Family (2020)

16+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 26 min
Directed by: Vladimir Kott

The unfortunate father of a large family made a big mistake and realized that with a mortgage, a bunch of other expenses and problems, he would not be able to provide his relatives with even a vacation in Sochi. He comes up with a non-trivial way to get out and still please his wife: he persuades the children to go through a casting in the reality show "Ideal Family", in which the audience will choose the most friendly family. Therefore, their car rushes past the airport and arrives in the suburbs, where a luxurious villa awaits the family - a competition will take place here. But how will the spouse react when, having already thrown off her dressing gown, she realizes that the whole country is now looking at her?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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