Urú y otros relatos de la tierra roja_peliplat
Urú y otros relatos de la tierra roja_peliplat

Urú y otros relatos de la tierra roja (2017)

None | Argentina | Spanish | 66 min
Directed by: Elian Guerin

This web series is made up of several stories that have as a common thread the story of Sergio, who as a child listens to the oral stories of his father Víctor and when he grows up expresses the same narrative vocation by becoming a writer but working to live as a journalist on the triple frontier Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. Each chapter tells a particular story that sometimes borders on magical realism and other times they are everyday events where the beauty of simplicity is enhanced. These stories, which were told to Sergio, are narrated or lived in some way by him or it is some news that he has to cover. Throughout the series the figure of the writer-journalist is present, the inspiration and a common in the red earth that are the stories told by word of mouth and the desire of a writer to make them eternal on paper. It is divided into chapters intertwined by the experience or narrative of the writer, which connects one story with the next developed in 4 chapters, plus a prelude, interlude and an epilogue. Intense characters give life and star in each chapter, in which we will see stories of: a lineman who feeds on birds, Gauchito Gil and a rural laborer who despairs because of the absence of his dog, a journalist looking for time to write stories of love and questions about freedom, family comedy dramas, funerals, an urú, drunkards and more birds, canteen conversations and work in the yerbal - All of them immersed in the events of their daily lives on the stage of the red earth.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
(Screen TV, Málaga)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Urú y otros relatos de la tierra roja
(Original title)
Urú y otros relatos de la tierra roja
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes