Frequency Foresight_peliplat
Frequency Foresight_peliplat

Frequency Foresight (2022)

None | USA | English | 1 min
Directed by: Joel Brown, Joel Peter Brown, Joel Brown, Joel Brown

Max lounges in his room, listening to one of his podcasts tell of his obsession with a special shoe. After buying the Pu-238 Super-Sneak it causes an electric guitar amplifier to pick up an anonymous frequency that sends Max signals, communicating to him through sound-bites and music that predicts a future missing kid abduction when he plays. Max discovers that Pu-238 Super-Sneak is an alive shoe followed by a new missing kid case, that speaks to him a frequency foresight after he is prompted to buy the Rn-222 Super-Sneak. While cleaning my weapon, Agent Day received a call over her radio near the location of Max, but the strange frequency of one of the shoes interrupted and her investigations led her to meet Max at the location. Max picks up the strange frequencies of Pu-238 Super-Sneak and Rn-222 Super-Sneak that these pairs of super-sneakers have sent signals to him of a prediction of a future missing kid abduction, but this time it's of him. Agent Day got word of it, and she determined with other agents that conditions were right for an arrest. Agents moved in to arrest the suspect of the kidnapping. Agents drove close to the scene and safely approached a private jet where the suspect Erik had been hiding with Max. Agent Day with other Agents made an arrest. The suspect was taken into custody and brought back to the FBI Field Office for processing.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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