Hump Day Romance_peliplat
Hump Day Romance_peliplat

Hump Day Romance (2015)

None | USA | English | 40 min
Directed by: Zeus Campbell, Brandon Morson, Tremayne Johnson

Hump Day Romance is a Web Series That takes Comedian Top Rope Zeus own personal relationship lessons and history and brings them to life through Humor.Each Episode revolves around relationship Advice , pop culture references, and the right and wrong choices to make in our relationships.While laughing at the way information is presented ,Top Rope Zeus forces you to take a look at yourself & the relationship You got yourself into or maybe out of.Zeus's unique yet Honest point of view on the world provides a hilarious , yet philosophical on today's relationships, dating , and everyday life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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