Love Happens
The 100
Platform 7
The Idea of You
The Big Sick
It's Okay!
Rosario Tijeras
Barriga de Aluguel
Young Hearts
Rory Kaufhold
Susanna Herbert
Sam Mortimore
Bella Falk
Kasia Uscinska
Lauren Hawthorne
Tom Ranson
Charlotte Evans
Jim Nally
Nick Clarke-Powell
Daniel Edwards
Jon Nutter
Mike Wafer
Oscar Chan
Mike Ibeji
Mick Conefrey
Milla Harrison
Jacq Sharples
Zaid Bawab
Sam Bodhi Field
Anuar Arroyo
Dick Bowers
John Davenport
Simon Martin
Ian Levison
Tadhg Leonard
Matt Smith
Julian Watson
Britt Arthur
Christopher Holding
Nick Davies
Alicky Sussman
Yavar Abbas
Yavar Avvas
Adam Donneky
John Ormrod
Catherine Wyler
Ian Allardyce
Anna Coane
Kufena Coulter
Carla Francome
Diccon Green
Michael Jones
Ben Moyle
Jon Stephens
Stars (in credits order)
Steven Kearney
Self - Narrator
Mike Pavelec
Self - Military Historian
Randy Cerveny
Self - Climatologist
Klint Janulis
Self - Archaeologist
Alan Lester
Self - Geologist
Andrew Gough
Self - Journalist
George Kourounis
Self - Explorer
Lindsay Moran
Self - Former CIA Operative
Martin K.A. Morgan
Self - Historian
Mark Altaweel
Mark Horton
Marc D'Antonio
Self - Image Analyst
Haley Chamberlain
Self - Science Journalist
Brittany Brand
Self - Volcanologist
Karen Bellinger
PhD, Archeologist
David Krueger
Kirsten Sanford
Self - Science Communicator
Mike Capps
Self - Technology Theorist
Guy Walters
Self - Author & Historian
Amanda Marchetti
Self - Satellite Image Analyst, Digital Globe
Patrick Hunt
Martin Pepper
Kieran O'Brien
Rob Nelson
Self - Biologist
Mike Baker
Ken Joyce
Self - Imagery Analyst
Simon Allix
Self: Narrator
Roland Kays
Carlo Munoz
Self - Military Correspondent
Dave Mosher
Trevor Albertson
Self - Former Intelligence Officer
Stephanie Schuttler
Self - Wildlife Biologist
Joe Pappalardo
Self - Aviation Journalist
Seth Porges
Eleanor Spicer Rice
Self - Zoologist
Nick Hansen
Self - Military Satellite Imagery Expert
Katie Paul
Self - Anthropologist
James W. Huston
Self - Author
Hendrik Van Gijseghem
Jess Phoenix
Devin Dennie
Sara Carter
Self - Ex-CIA Operative
Nick Middleton
Self - Geographer
Jonas Stenstrom
Self - Marine Biologist
Nick Pope
Self - Military Analyst
Sheila Hoffman
Bronwyn Agrios
Keri Leigh Merritt
Tracy Fanara
Jonathon Hill
Self - Satellite Image Analyst: Arizona State University
Patricia Driscoll
Mike Nelson
Self - Mining Engineer
Frank Muller-Karger
Self - Oceanographer
Shannon Odell
Don Vaughn
Self - Neuroscientist
Andrew Robertshaw
Katharyn Hanson
Hope Harrison
Reid Faylor
Self - Chemical Scientist
Jim Marrs
Leroy Chiao
Self - Former ISS Astronaut
Kelly M. Brunt
Self - Glaciologist
Chris Goldfinger
Self - Marine Geologist
Jason Major
Self - Space Journalist
Kevin Evans
Self - Geologist: Missouri State University
John Dixon
Self - Author: Phoenix Island
Tim Mousseau
Adam McGirr
Self - Cryptozoologist
Sean O'Connor
Ivan Eland
Self - Security Analyst
Philip Reeder
Scott Wolter
Self - Forensic Geologist
Self - Image Analyst, Digitalglobe
Allan Maca
Steve Miller
Self - Satellite Meteorologist: Colorado State University
Steven Collins
Self - Archaeologist: Trinity Southwest University
David Rohl
Self - Author, The Lost Testament from Eden to Exile'
Nick Petford
Christopher Ware
Vayu Naidu
Steven Miller
Self - Atmospheric Scientist
Art Miller
Heather Elizabeth Osborn
Self - Folklorist
Madison Condon
Bill Baugh
Self - DigitalGlobe Analyst
Jon Coulston
Self - Ancient Historian
Jaimy Visser
Self - Creator of 'Archeomaps'
Chelsea Rose
Keffie Feldman
Rollie Williams
Self - Biochemist
Scott Bruce
Paul French
Jeff Rose
Pascal Lee
Self - Planetary Scientist
Dale Simpson Jr.
Michael Barratt
Self - Astronaut: NASA
Simon Agass
Self - Earth Observation Specialist
Chandra Wickramasinghe
Self - Astrobiologist: University of Buckingham
Johny Isla
Erin Argyilan
Aidan Dodson
Self - Egyptologist
Rebecca Schuld
Self - Meteorologist
Adrian Gilbert
Rob Irving
Self - Artist
Steve Morton
Self - Satellite Meteorologist
Paul Yura
Jonathan Bamber
Self - Polar Scientist
David Thomas
Robin Lynch
Sheila K. Hoffman
Amy Nordrum
Joe Watkins
Kelsey Ellis
Kirk French
Kelly Price
Self - Research Scientist
Athena Brensberger
Self - Astrophysicist
Andrew Dotson
Self - Physicist
Kasha Patel
Michael Rampino
Self - Earth Scientist: New York University
Raphael Scriba
Phillip Silvia
Self - Archaeologist, Trinity Southwest University
Walter Tschinkel
Self - Entomologist: Florida State University
John Briand
Self - Ex-Captain, SS Lima
Francis Firebrace
Self - Aboriginal Australian
Stephen Micklethwaite
Self - Geologist: University of West Australia
David Brin
Author: The Postman
Angela Micol
Self - Amateur Archaeologist
Stephanie Moser
Self - Archaeologist: University of Southhampton
Karl Gruber
Seth Fletcher
Ann Peters
Self - Archaeologist: University of Pennsylvania
Nick Drake
Self - Geographer, Kings College, London
Matthew Alford
Self - Oceanographer: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Danny Miller
Self - Ex-US Navy Rescue Diver
Paul Breeze
Self - Archaeologist Kings College, London
Bob Benfer
Emanuel Hignutt
Self - Environmental Chemist
Gary Urton
Ivan Petricevic
Dougal Jerram
Self - Earth Scientist
Todd Hoeksema
Self - Solar Physicist
Allison Puccioni
Robert Ward
Self - Meteorite Hunter
Susan Wolfinbarger
Self - AAAS Analyst
Brian Smith
Self - Investigator
Olaf Philips
Self - Ancient Investigator
Martin Eversdijk
Self - Crime Scene Investigator
Akmaral Utemisova
Self - Local Teacher
Joanna Joiner
Mike Colby
Self - Fisherman
Matt Havin
Usein Sariyev
Self - Retired Fisherman
Rainer Kuehne
Self - Historical Researcher
Charlotte Smith
Karl Fred Huemmerich
Self - NASA Environmental Scientist
Jim Ivey
Erdene Myagmar
Tina Young
Robin Matthews
Bronwen Agrios
Ari Friedlaender
Loren Grush
David Cade
Scott Wallace
Steve Warren
Self - US Army
George Howard
Self - Scientist
Jon Zeitler
Kevin Hymel
Geoffrey Wawro
Andrew Kinkella
Adam Ruben
Robert Dull
Lynn Hickox
David Kennedy
Self - Archaeologist: University of Oxford
Matthew Green
Bahram Baloch
Anna DePold Hohler
Self - Neurologist: Boston University
Treffrey Deerfoot
Self - Blackfoot Medicine Man
Michael Manga
Self - Planetary Science
Abdul Rahim
Self - Ecologist
Akram Elias
Self - Freemason Historian
Howard Crowhurst
Colin Summerhayes
Self - Polar Research Specialist: Scott Polar Research Institute - University of Cambridge
Corinne Roughley
Mark Schneider
Peter Fretwell
Self - British Antartic Survey
Steve Douglass
Self - Investigtive Journalist
Silvia Pepe
Self - Local Journalist
Jean Michel Bonvalet
Salvatore Maione
Self - Local Diver
Tom Coleman
Self - Meterologist
Misty Hickok
James Wilby
Dan Durda
Self - Astronomer: Southwest Research Institute
Brian Burke-Gaffney
Self - Historian: Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science
Amanda Podany
Self - Egyptologist: Cal Poly
Crystal McMichael
Self - Research Scientist: Florida Institute of Technology
Max Maconachy
David Grann
Self - Author: The Lost City of Z
Ryan Abernathy
Self - Oceanographer: Columbia University
Yasunori Takazane
Self - Director: Nagasaki Peace Museum
Ubinatan Surui
Self - Surui Tribesman
Tomoji Kobata
Self - Former Resident
Robert Clark
Self - Rogue Wave Witness
Almir Narayamoga Surui
Self - Surui Leader
Stanton Friedman
Self - Nuclear Physicist
David Sandwell
Self - Geophysicist
Frank Costigan
Self - Ex-Chief of Police: LAX
Houseboat Bob
Self - Eyewitness
David Hayes
Self - Local Radio Host
Kenny Broad
Self - Anthropologist: University of Miami
John Gifford
Self - Archaeologist: University of Miami
Steve Koski
Phillip Karber
Self - Military Strategist: Georgetown University
Andrew Collins
John Sweeney
Marshall Trimble
Self - Arizona Official State Historian
Bruce Blair
Brian Littlely
Carmen Arrospide
Alfredo Diaz
Self - Cesar Manique Foundation
Jens Notroff
Jeffery Fentress
John Leboutillier
New York 6th]
Rob Mark
Jim Denevan
Helen Fricker
Matt Wei
Toby Driver
Self - Royal Commision Aerial Investigator
Kirk Anderson
Self - Entomologist
Laramie Potts
Fawzi Q. Abudanah
Rami Arav
Paul Wilson
Self - Hydrogeologist
Luis Lombreras
Daniel H. Sandweiss
Self - Climate Anthropologist
Samantha Domingo
Self - Former Scientologist
Demitri Deheyn
Ralph von Frese
Ryan Wade
Ronald Kays
Self - Phd., Biologist
Mohamed Youssef Ali
Yonathan Mizrachi
Louis Salzmann
Self - Farmer
Alan Dodson
Self - Phd., Egyptologist
Jennifer Weston
Self - Seismologist
Giuseppe Orefici
Jaime Visser
Philip Hughes
Self - Local Historian
Ivan Ghezzi
Ronald Clark
Frank Hutchins
Self - Bat Expert
Richard Briggs
Cristina Bernar
Self - Timanfaya National Park
Zayda Civico Viera
Self - Wine Expert
Pita Witehira
Self - Engineer
Douglas Vakoch
Self - Astrobiologist
Ken Gerhard
Nick Brown
Peter Bartholomew
Ioan Grillo
Self - Author 'El Narco'
Christopher Orwoll
Self - Space Historian
Faye Chamberlain
Self - Canada Parks
Tim France
Jassel Majevadia
Self - Material Scientist
Sergio Neuspiller
Self - Film Maker
Ralph Lorenz
François Bertemes
Tim Marshall
Ulrich Koch
Self - Forester
Julian Bayliss
Self - Biologist and Explorer
Guishe Longhi
Joel Butler
Self - Geographic Data Specialist
Stephen Borrett
Self - Golf Club Member
Jerome Sawyer
Self - Investigative Journalist
Mason Miller
Kaupo Kikkas
Self - Photographer
Baldemar Galvan
Self - Tracker
Steve Schumacher
Self - Local Resident
Tim Wells
Self - Local Craftsman
Christoph Koettl
Self - Intelligence Analyst
Susan Taylor
Self - Dawson City Tour Guide
Oliver Dearden
Self - Retired Engineer
Pauline Terbasket
Self - Exec Director, Okanagan Nation Alliance
Bronwyn Bell
Self - Environmental Scientist
Harold Brown
Christopher Tuttle
Paul Ronan
Self - Human Rights Activist
Ross McNutt
Self - Aerial Surveillance Expert
Darko Petrovic
Sally Cole
Simon Mays
Self - Skeletal Biologist
Abel Basti
Lola Gomez Ferron
Self - Grower
Emilie Murphy
Lauren Carter
Stephan Getzin
Scott D Rudlosky
Self - Physical Scientist
Aren Maeir
Alexei Vranich
Brendan Cook
Khory Hancock
Pablo Suarez
Arlen Chase
John Bennett
Self - Ripper Expert
Wesley English
Self - Geographical Profiler
David Givens
Fabian Hinz
Iran Military Analyst
Scott Nowicki
Self - Remote Sensing Scientist
Alexandra Churchill
David Silbey
Phillips O'Brien
Jeffrey Lewis
Justin Mairot
Grzegorz Kiarszys
Kenneth Fine
Self - Presenter
Evan Olding
Nathan (uncredited)