Romper Room_peliplat
Romper Room_peliplat

Romper Room (1963)

None | Australia | English |

Romper Room was a preschool children's program created by Bert and Nancy Claster in the USA, which they later franchised in Australia (1963), Canada (1970), Japan (1963), Puerto Rico (1971), New Zealand (1975) and the United Kingdom (1963). In Australia, it was produced by Freemantle International with the first production at ATN-7 (Channel Seven) Sydney in February 1963, hosted by Miss Susan (Susan Jamieson). It was later produced by QTQ-9 (Channel Nine) in Brisbane (1963), ATV-0 in Melbourne (1964), SAS-10 in Adelaide (1965), TVW7 in Perth (1966), NBN-3 Newcastle (1967) By 1974 it was to expensive for Freemantle International to continue to produce so many version. The ATN-7 version Sydney became the national Romper Room with Patricia Godfrey from the Brisbane Romper Room taking over from Susan Jamieson. Helena Bailey took over from Patricia Godfrey in 1979. Megan Sjoquist took over from Helena Bailey in 1987 and continued on as hostess until the show was axed in 1988.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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