Five Day Flip_peliplat
Five Day Flip_peliplat

Five Day Flip (2015)

None | USA | English |

In this HGTV renovation show, an Australian woman first chooses between two houses to renovate and flip. Then she and her large all-male construction crew do the renovation in five days - sometimes bringing in others to work at night - so she can flip the house quickly. There is the usual HGTV artificial drama about working toward the self-imposed deadline because she's scheduled an open house on the sixth day. Of course the reason she wants to do the flip so quickly is that all the money is apparently borrowed and extra work days would mean she's paying extra interest, which would cut into her profit. The emphasis in this show is mostly on the "what" they are doing rather than the "how" they are doing it.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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