Al Yazmalim_peliplat
Al Yazmalim_peliplat

Al Yazmalim (2011)

None | Turkey | Turkish | 90 min
Directed by: Ali Bilgin, Iraz Okumus, Nisan Akman

Ilyas and Asiye are two young adults living in a village in Turkey. Both are being pressured by their parents, Ilyas because he loves motorcycles and Asiye because she should be married but very stubbornly refuses. As these two fall in love, Asiye's problem is (kind of) solved, but Ilyas is devoted to motorcycles because his brother was, and Ilya deeply misses his brother and wants to continue what his brother did before his death. He is also upset that one of his sisters ran away with a guy and the other sister also did something he hated. But will he choose Asiye over motorcycles? She fears losing him to death and she's also jealous of his female co-worker. Ultimately, which is stronger? And how do their friends and environment influence their choices?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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