Mit 50/50 liv_peliplat
Mit 50/50 liv_peliplat

Mit 50/50 liv (2016)

None | Denmark | Danish | 15 min
Directed by: Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg

Child of divorced parents, Louis 12 years old, lives a hectic life, where he stays half of the time with his father and half the time with his mother. Louis has two of everything - two homes, two sets of parents, two step siblings, two rooms and soon two personalities, because life feels pretty schizophrenic: at his father Jesper and step mom Mette you'll find fresh spelled buns, yoga and homemade everything, and stepbrother Victor 15 years old, who is the ladies' friend, and always ready with good advice. At mother Camilla's and stepfather Chris you'll find prevailing entrepreneurial spirit, here is efficiency, bulging refrigerators, and the latest gadgets and stepsister Viola 10 years old, that operates the business from her jewelry designer shop room. Louis loves to draw, and he draws on everything he can get near. Together with his friend Conrad Louis must manage with teasing from Storm and Frederik in the schoolyard, and do his part to be closer to sweet Maja from the class.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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