The Pursuit of Three Hares_peliplat
The Pursuit of Three Hares_peliplat

The Pursuit of Three Hares (2015)

None | Russia | Russian | 176 min
Directed by: Aleksey Prazdnikov

Katya, Zhanna and Irina - are cheerful middle-aged friends. There are no secrets between them, they are used to trust each other and help with any problem. And these ladies do not have to look for trouble - trouble can find them by itself. One day when having rest in forest the ladies witness a murder and report it to the police.The criminal starts chasing them. He sends one lady a poisoned coffee and a bomb, he cuts another lady's car brakes, and he throws a stone head of a rhinoceros upon the third lady. The investigation leads our heroines to art gallery "Eden Garden". Here the criminals were hiding valuable paintings under the coat of paint so they could carry it abroad. Our ladies get kidnapped and locked in an abandoned factory ... Will they survive this time?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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